No Chemical Disposal
Painted Burnoff Removal
Hard Coatings
Rust Removal
JR’s pickle ash scale and rust removal is an extended cleaning process after the items are removed from JR’s burn-off over. Any rust can also removed in JR’s pickle dip tanks without using the burn off oven.
Pictured at right is an example of a paint mixer before and after the burn-off and pickle process. Slide the arrows to the left and right to see the multiple layers of paint that has built up after numerous uses. After the mixer is removed from the oven, and the part is dipped in the pickle tanks the ash scale is completely removed. In the after photo the mixer blades have been renewed to their “like new” condition.
What ever your application, JR’s has a cleaning solution for your paint – rust – and hard coatings.
Use the slider in the photo to reveal the
Before and After paint removal